We are proud to present our s2024 to you. In this annual letter, you will find reflection on 2024, thought about ‘risk’ and ‘passive investing’ our portfolio (including changes) and an outlook for 2025. We hope you will have fun reading and in case of questions, comments or remarks: please do let us know!
Jan Klein Poelhuis
We are proud to present our second annual letter to you. In this annual letter, you will find our Strategy, a reflection on 2024, our portfolio (including changes) and an outlook for 2024. We hope you will have fun reading and in case of questions, comments or remarks: please don’t hesitate using the contact form (it should work again)!
It was February 15, 2023, when Charlie Munger (99 years of age) took the stage at the Daily Journal Corporation Annual Meeting. Viewers were in for a real treat and witnessed Munger in form. Traditionally, Munger joins the CEO of the Daily Journal Corp. to answer questions about the business. However, the majority of questions are about Berkshire Hathaway, investing, and how to live a good life.
What followed was a Q&A session between CNBC’s Beckie Quick and Charlie Munger that lasted for two and a half hours. At FortyTwo Capital, we listen very carefully when this wise man speaks. Most often, Munger talks in brief, powerful statements. This time however, he was clearly in a good mood and way more talkative than he usually is.
We decided to distillate some of the important and timeless Mungerian lessons from this occasion, so we keep them top of mind. Having done so, we might as well share these key points on our website. Mind you, the statements are not literal translations, but our interpretations of the Munger statements.
- If you are just not crazy and act rational: you have a big advantage over 95% of the people.
- There is a lot of crazy hype around Artificial Intelligence, in the end it might be a mixed blessing.
- If the truth is unpleasant enough, the mind plays tricks in denial of what is really happening.
- All cost considered, maybe 5% of the fund managers can beat the averages over an extended period.
- The semiconductor industry is a peculiar industry, in which all money previously made needs to be reinvested for each new generation of chips released.
- The way the United States handled the period after World War II, in which both Germany and Japan became trustworthy allies, is a credit to our species. Civilization needs more honor, not less.
- Capitalism is tough, even if you’re a genius, there will always be someone who will do things better.
- Life will be better with good judgement, which follows from getting experience from bad judgment.
- There is no easier way for people to hate you, then to fail on their reasonable expectations.
- Take Benjamin Franklin as an example and develop yourself as widely & diversely as possible.
- Only insure for things you can’t afford to pay for yourself (with the exception of medical insurance).
- The business world is very much just like the physical world in which all the animals eventually die.
And one more: Eat Peanut Brittle (See’s Candie) if you want to live to ninety nine, it’s the key the longevity.

It gives us great pride to present our first Annual Letter to you. In this letter, we share our investment philoshopy and the process that we developed to select the investments that suit us. Furthermore, the letter contains our portfolio and an overview of the mistakes we made during 2022.
Furthermore, this is the first post on our website fortytwocapital.com. It is still very much under development but we did not want to wait any longer sharing our 2022 letter. Over the course of the coming months, we will periodically publish pieces of work that we find worth sharing.
For now, happy reading with our Annual Letter 2022 that you can download using the button below.